Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Chocolate Chip Day

Did you know that Monday was chocolate chip day? I didn't until I received an email last week from Taste of Home.  I decided to surprise Landon with some cookie baking. I got out a package of cookie mix and called him into the kitchen. Holding the mix behind my back, I  told him what day it was. "What could we possibly do to celebrate?" I asked him.  He knew that answer right away and exclaimed "Bake cookies!".  He grabbed a mixing bowl and took his place at the table while I got out a few ingredients.

I don't usually make cookies from a mix, but sometimes simple is best (and easiest).  The Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie mix is convenient and has enough steps to make Landon happy.  The package calls for one stick of softened butter and one egg. I also add a teaspoon of vanilla and two teaspoons of brown sugar to deepen the flavor. Once Landon got everything mixed together and ate a bit a lot of the cookie dough, he went back to the play room and I popped the cookies in the oven. He was so happy to share cookies with daddy when he got home from work. 
We've got pumpkin vines sprouting up in the back yard. I'll share some pictures on Friday. 
Teal Signature photo Toniasig.png

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