Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Stand Still

Stand still and let God move
Standing still is hard to do
When you feel you have reached the end
He’ll make a way for you
Stand still and let God move

Oh, what sweet words. So simple, yet so hard. The words are actually the chorus to one of my favorite songs. And it's my hope that in the new year, I will be able to do just that. As a self-proclaimed control freak, it's especially hard for me. But I'm hoping...and praying. God can do amazing things; all we have to do is allow Him to lead us.

I am definitely looking forward to 2011. 2010 has been a hard year for my family. We have had joys, but we've also had sorrows. My dear sweet mama passed away in February and thoughts of her have haunted me the whole year. How I love that woman. Her death made me realize how precious time is. I long so much for more time with her and other family members that are gone. It's also made me put more thought {and effort} into the relationships and friendships I have now. When time is gone, it's simply gone. There are no second chances...

It's also been a year of financial struggle for us. Due to the economy, my salary has been almost cut in half. We've had to take a hard look at our spending & where we want to go financially. It's been harder than I could ever imagine. For someone used to spending freely without really thinking about it...that's just not possible now. Lessons learned - oh yes, but it's not a course I wanted to take. But you know what...God is in control here too. I've definitely learned the price of material possessions and how little they really matter, so maybe it's not been such a bad thing.

God bless you all. I hope 2011 brings you more joy, love & successes than you've ever known.

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